M.R Mack
London, United Kingdom
One of my core philosophies is: do the hard stuff and the rest comes easy! This makes clients ask their body the right questions that get them the best answers and results in the most efficient way.
I consider good health the key to a happy and abundant life and help clients reach their goals, and bring them ever closer to their ideals.

Level 3 Qualified Personal Trainer specializing in:
➤ Core Building
➤ Lean Muscle Building
➤ Beast Mode Training
➤ Fat Loss
➤ Body Sculpting and Toning
➤ Booty Building
➤ Pad Work and Boxing
➤ Medicine Ball
➤ Advanced Weight Loss
I come from a multi-sport background including swimming, boxing and football. With more recent training in different types of gym disciplines such as callisthenics.
I am a fitness all-rounder and enjoy exploring different trainings styles in order to ask my body a range of questions; questions that the body must respond to.
What my clients say about me:
"Rory is a highly motivated person who brings a lot of energy to his sessions to ensure the session is both functional at helping clients reach their goals and fun & enjoyable at the same time."
Q. Why is your programme 12-weeks long?
A. 12 weeks is the perfect amount of time for the body to adjust and show real results.
Q. What can I expect in my first week of joining?
A. A complete fitness analysis of your current abilities and lifestyle habits.
You will be expected to record and upload the following in Week 1:
Progress Photos
Resting Heart Rate
Timing for a 1 Mile Walk/Jog
Physical Performance Videos
Q. Where will I enter these details?
A. Right here, on this platform. Online MEMBERS can log in, 24 hours a day, and update their progress records.
Q. What happens once I've completed all tasks set by my coach?
A. Now I have a clear picture of your current levels I can set the correct weight, times, intensity and frequency of your complete fitness plan for the week ahead.
You will receive a personalised training plan comprising of:
Upper, Lower and /or Full Body Workouts
Cardio activities such as walking or cycling
Stretch routines for lower and upper body
We shall also take a deep look into your current eating habits and set nutritional challenges, that fit into your daily life.
As the weeks progress, we shall tighten the focus and include food tracking and calorie allowances.
Q. Ok, so week 1 is complete, what next?
A. At the end of each week we have a PROGRESS MEETING! A 30 minute analysis, discussing all details of the fitness plan and your achievements over the past week. From here we can plan ahead and prepare for any pitfalls we may discover.
Q. Who does your plan work best for?
A. Anyone who is searching for real support and guidance during a 12 week period of selfish investment. Most clients are busy people with families, work commitments and social lives to juggle, but have a deep desire to improve parts, or all, of their fitness.
Reasons for joining vary, some are mainly concerned with their appearance and want nothing more than to reduce weight and size. Others need to improve their fitness for health reasons and many simply want to be able to move about in everyday life without becoming breathless and tired.
Q. What results can I expect?
A. Brilliant, my favourite subject!
You can expect to shift the body fat, first and foremost! No fad diets, no gimmicks or short cuts, just real work with real results. During Week 1, we establish realistic goals; achievable goals, that will train your body and mind in the art of planning, doing and winning.
Your cardiovascular system will be the first improvement you notice, along with your general mood. Well designed training sessions will make you FEEL better, almost immediately.
After one month of consistent exercise and improved eating habits your metabolism begins to run more efficiently and you will physically perform faster, stronger and with more control.
After 12 Weeks, you are on your way to a lower resting heart rate and positive changes in your blood pressure. The muscles around your joints will begin to rebalance and strengthen and your friends/family should notice a difference visually.
Best of all, you can expect to be in a position to progress towards the next step, because you have set solid foundations, formed a habitual routine, and look forward to healthier choices.
Q. Do I need any special equipment?
A. Not special, but yes there are some bits your will need, and will benefit from using after the programme. I can explain any personal requirements during a consultation but here's a general list:
A light set of dumbbells
A resistance band
A workout/yoga mat
Smart phone, laptop or tablet
Good internet connection
Body weight scales
Measuring tape
Food scales
Q. How do I start?
A. Book yourself a FREE CONSULTATION to discuss your personal circumstances and learn all details relating to my programme. Should we decide to work together, I will guide you to my registration form, with details of how to create your members account on my site.
Once approved as a member, you can begin completing your profile and arrange our INITIAL PROGRESS MEETING.